When you visit a doctor or medical professional, you expect to be treated in accordance with accepted practices for your specific condition. Unfortunately, sometimes these professionals make mistakes that cause harm to patients. When this happens, you may have grounds to file a Medical Misconduct Lawyer in Seattle. An experienced Seattle medical malpractice lawyer can help you recover damages for your injuries.

To be successful in a medical malpractice claim, you must show that your healthcare provider departed from the standard of care in your case by either an act or omission and that this departure caused you actual personal injury or loss. This means that you must have suffered a new injury or an exacerbation of an existing condition that was directly related to the substandard care provided by your medical provider.

If you have been harmed due to a misdiagnosis, surgical error, prescription mix-ups, hospital-related infections, or other forms of medical negligence, the attorneys at Kornfeld Law can assist you in bringing a malpractice claim. They work diligently to secure maximum compensation for your financial costs, pain and suffering, and other related losses.

The most common form of medical malpractice is negligent treatment by a physician or other healthcare provider. To establish that malpractice occurred, you must prove that the doctor or healthcare provider failed to treat you in accordance with the accepted practices for your particular condition in your state of residency. This failure must have caused you actual physical injury or loss that you can prove to the court’s satisfaction.

To determine what happened, your attorney will review medical records from the hospital or healthcare center where you were treated as well as your own test results and medical documents. They will also consult with medical experts to help them understand what was involved in your case. Once they can accurately determine what occurred, they will be able to tell you how much your claim is worth and whether it should be settled out of court or if a trial is necessary.

When filing a medical malpractice lawsuit, it is important that you do so within three years of discovering your injury. If you miss this deadline, the courts will refuse to hear your case. You should consult with a Seattle medical malpractice attorney immediately to discuss the facts of your case and the statute of limitations in your state.

A medical malpractice lawsuit requires a high level of skill and knowledge to win. A skilled Seattle medical malpractice lawyer will sift through medical records and other documentation to find exactly what went wrong with your care. They will also take the time to gather any relevant evidence that you have, such as a foreign object left inside of your body after surgery or an unforeseen side effect of medication.

You should never have to pay for someone else’s mistake. If you were harmed due to medical negligence, the attorneys at Thoeny Law Office can help. They have over 38 years of experience representing injured clients. Their practice focuses on medical malpractice cases including birth defects, misdiagnoses, and surgical errors. They can also assist with claims involving prescription drug errors, nursing home abuse, and wrongful death.