Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is the language that gives your web pages their look. It defines everything from fonts and colors to layouts and animations. Web designers who understand CSS can create sites that adapt to any screen size or device.
This tutorial provides an accessible introduction to the core concepts of CSS. It will explain the syntax, selectors and properties, and provide opportunities to practice these skills. It also introduces the concept of the CSS box model, and offers suggestions on how to use this knowledge to develop websites that are responsive and mobile-friendly.
TheĀ css tutorial is intended for beginners in web development, and assumes a basic familiarity with HTML. It covers all the major topics, including: Selectors and their rules, Formatting text and UI elements, Styling page layouts, Pseudo classes and Shorthand Properties.
CSS separates the style and structure of a Web page, allowing developers to change the appearance of a web element without changing the underlying HTML markup. This allows for faster site development, easier maintenance and greater design flexibility.
A web designer can specify a set of styles for a group of HTML tags by creating a CSS file and placing it in the header section of an HTML document. The code in a CSS file can be either inline or external. Inline CSS is embedded in the HTML document using a style tag. External CSS is placed in a separate file with a.css extension, and is included in the HTML document using a link.
Inline CSS is used when the styles need to be applied to individual elements within the webpage. The style tag is opened with style type=”text/css”> and closed with /style>.
One of the benefits of inline CSS is that it does not add to the page’s file size, and is easy to update as a single rule can apply to all occurrences of an HTML tag. However, inline CSS is not compatible with many browsers, and it is less flexible than external CSS.
Adding CSS to an HTML document can be done in several ways, but the most common is by including it in the header section of the HTML document. The simplest method is to include the style attribute with a “>” followed by the CSS code, with a /style> to close the tag.
The css tutorial is designed to help the beginner learn this language, from the basics to advanced topics step by step. It explains the basic syntax, and how it works to give your pages a professional look and feel. It also covers the more advanced topics, such as CSS Grid and Flexbox, Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-elements, Animations, Filters, Overflow, Lists, and Borders. By the time you finish this tutorial, you will be able to write your own CSS code and use it on your own websites!